Information for Author

General Information


October 7-8th, 2019


Solo Paragon Hotel & Residences

Jalan Dr. Sutomo, Banjarsari, Solo (Surakarta), Indonesia, 57125

Official Language


On-Site Registration

Emerald Grand Ballroom, Solo Paragon Hotel & Residences

Paper Submission for publication

Selected papers will be published in “IOP Proceedings” (Open Access) which is indexed by SCOPUS. All paper can be published after passing through the reviewing system.


Information for Oral Presentation

- Presenters are requested to come to this event on time on October 7 -8th , 2019 at 07.30 am.

- Presenters are requested to submit their file presentation (file type: power point) by e-mail: before October 5th, 2019.

- All presentation of oral presenter will be delivered in parallel session.

- All presenter will be present their work for 10 minutes and 5 minutes later to Q&A.

- Parallel session was distributed according to the field that correlate with the topic of each presenter’s research.

- All presentation will be presented their work according to schedule below. The existing fields consist of:


The existing fields

Day 1

Day 2

Civil & Construction Materials

Polymer & Composite - Functional Materials

Materials Chemistry and Physics

Drug & Biomaterials Technology

Metallurgy & Alloy Materials

Advanced Nanomaterials - Electrical Optical and Magnetic Materials – Advanced Materials for Energy

Miscellaneous Topics












Information for Poster Presentation

- Poster presenters are requested to come to this event on time on October 7 -8th, 2019 at 07.30 am.

- The poster presentation will be held in a special session on the Monday and Tuesday, October 7-8th 2019.

- During the poster session, all of poster presenters stand by beside of the x-banner poster and promote their research work to the participants that going to the x-banner poster exhibition.

- During the poster session, there will be poster voting session from all of participants to get “Best Poster Participant”.

- Guideline for x-banner poster: applied in size 160 x 60 cm. The contents of x-banner poster are logo of ICAMBF and your affiliation, ID number, title, name and affiliation of authors, introduction, methods, results, conclusion, references, acknowledgement.

The font size of the title >40 pt

The font size of the name and affiliation of authors is 30 pt

The font size of the text 24 pt


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.